20 October, 2009

Sequental Process (& what I have learned)

Things I have learned throughout this project:

1) Measure, measure, measure! Take it slow; make sure it's all correct, exact measurements. This goes along with my craft. I am improving, but at this point I feel I should be much better. Practice makes perfect...I need the practice.

2) Line tracing is a pain, but very worth it. Along with craft, the processes I went through to get to my final projects always amazing me. Tracing allowed me to "craft my craft" and ultimately improve my digital lines.

3) Multitasking is key. I have greatly improved on this since I have entered KCAI. But I know I am still improving and continue to juggle everything, in hopes to succeed.

4) Patience. This is something I feel I always need to work on, not just in school. This goes hand in hand with this project. You spend so much time perfecting, vectoring, and cutting; that without staying clam and collected, all would be a disaster. But when it comes to measuring and craft, patience is a trait that will allow me perfect my pieces. And ultimately succeed.

Horizontal Lines:

Combined Lines:



 Vectored and paired:


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